READING: Please have your child read "Tomas Rivera" to you in their blue reading books. Review all highlighted words in the story. All books should be returned on Monday. We are working on the -"qu/kw" sound.
In Reading Workshop, students are learning to use all their keys to help them understand the story. They are working on schema, connections, visualizing, predicting, and questioning. WE will be working on all of these for the month of December.
SPELLING: Students took their practice test today. If they have a +10 on their test, they WILL NOT take the first 10 words on THURSDAY. However, they will take the challenge words. If your child missed any words on the pretest they will take the entire test. I have included a tab that gives you some ideas for practicing spelling.
MATH: Students are learning to use rulers to measure objects. They also used tape measures as well. We will be focusing on measuring for the month of December.
SCIENCE: Students are learning how animals survive in the winter.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students are learning about Christmas traditions all around the world.